During my years working at the biggest global LSPs, I developed expertise in language services for European Medicines Agency marketing authorisation applications. I am fully up to date on Quality Review of Documents (QRD) requirements and can assist with the following services:

QRD Review: While I cannot perform any linguistic checks for the 24 EU languages, I can spot check against the QRD templates or verify template compliance for specific sections of text. I can perform a full formatting review and correction for compliance with QRD requirements (font size, paragraph spacing, non-breaking spaces, document layout and properties, etc.)

The rate for this service is based per page.

PDF Bookmarking: For any of the required 24 EU languages, I can create the bookmarked PDF from the clean Word document, as per the EMA PDF Bookmarking guidelines.

This service is based on a flat rate per document.

I am happy to assist with the QA and final package creation of annotated, clean Word documents and bookmarked PDFs for Day+25 submission. This will include: QRD format compliance; document properties; creation of clean Word and bookmarked PDF; file and zip folder naming as per EMA requirements.