Transcription involves transferring speech in audio format to written format. There are different levels of transcription; from Verbatim, in which everything is transcribed exactly as said; to Intelligent Edited, in which the transcriber records a summary of what was said but can edit for readability. Various formats are possible, and transcripts may require timestamps, especially if they are going to be used for subtitling.

I offer monolingual transcription in French or in English, and one-step transcription from French to English. That means I listen to the audio in French and transcribe directly in English.

Rates for transcription are per audio minute (rounded up).

Transcription QA: This service involves listening back to an audio file and checking the transcription is accurate, complete, and conforms to the project requirements. I offer this service for Spanish or French to English, or monolingually.

Rates for transcription QA are per audio hour (rounded up).