Back in November I picked up this article in New Scientist : Mind-reading scan locates site of meaning in the brain and I never got round to blogging about it. Now it seems that this research has been expanded by
Translating Tolkein….The Hobbit in Latin!
Now I’m always up for a challenge, but this particular example really does strike me as pushing the boundaries. I love that Mark Walker has done this out of a passion for Tolkein and a desire to read something he
Follow-up: ‘The World is talking but we’re not taking part’
As a follow-up to my previous posts about the Daily Mail article ‘Why do the English need to speak a foreign language’ and The i article on the lack of foreign students applying to UK universities, here’s another one from
Foreign Students are shunning UK Universities
An article in The i on Friday revealed statistics which show students from other EU countries are starting to view the UK as a ‘no-go zone’ for higher education. As the article points out, the UK economy stands to