Like many (most?) of us these days, I have a Facebook profile, and I’m also connected to several pages. Some are to do with the charity I work for, but I also have a page for Awendan. However, they are
“10 Mindful Minutes” – a mantra for freelancers
I’ve just watched “All it takes is 10 mindful minutes” – a TedTalk from Andy Puddicombe, and I think it’s one worth watching for all freelancers out there. A former Buddhist monk and founder of Headspace, Andy aims to bring
£50 Google Adwords Giveaway!
I’ve been inspired by Judy & Dagmar Jenner‘s policy of running a blog competition to giveaway any Google Adwords vouchers they get sent. As it happened I won one of their competitions – so I’ve already used up my eligibility
Breaking News!
I was really pleased today to get confirmation from ITI that my application for Associate status membership has been accepted! I have been a Student member since February last year, but decided it was time to try for an
Unsolicited emails & new translators….
Just yesterday I was catching up on a few other translation blogs out there, and read among others this post on Translation Times about scam emails to translators. Then what do I find in my inbox this morning –