While flicking through the news over my coffee this morning, I came across this article from the BBC : ‘Nicolas Sarkozy says France has too many foreigners’. But what stood out for me was not Sarkozy’s policy, but the quote
“Les relations franco-britanniques sont excellentes” – really, Monsieur Sarkozy?
I tweeted about this yesterday but couldn’t find a video clip – now I have thanks to Lucienne Magalie Pons’ blog. I was watching France24’s lunchtime bulletin and happened to catch the start of the summit headed up by Cameron
Follow-up: ‘The World is talking but we’re not taking part’
As a follow-up to my previous posts about the Daily Mail article ‘Why do the English need to speak a foreign language’ and The i article on the lack of foreign students applying to UK universities, here’s another one from
Foreign Students are shunning UK Universities
An article in The i on Friday revealed statistics which show students from other EU countries are starting to view the UK as a ‘no-go zone’ for higher education. As the article points out, the UK economy stands to
How do you translate an ‘appel’ into English?
I found myself asking this question this weekend, as I was ploughing through a piece of Master’s coursework. The piece we had been given to translate and produce a commentary on was this: ‘Impossible Absence‘ from Hors Champ.org. It is