Well it’s that time of year when the 2012 reviews and roundups proliferate, so I thought I’d do a quick one on the language and translation errors that made the headlines in 2012. London2012 I posted at the time about
Translating Tolkein….The Hobbit in Latin!
Now I’m always up for a challenge, but this particular example really does strike me as pushing the boundaries. I love that Mark Walker has done this out of a passion for Tolkein and a desire to read something he
Google Translate comes off better than the BBC? What is the world coming to…
While flicking through the news over my coffee this morning, I came across this article from the BBC : ‘Nicolas Sarkozy says France has too many foreigners’. But what stood out for me was not Sarkozy’s policy, but the quote
Good article “Google Translate – does it really work?”
This article popped up (rather ironically) in one of my Google alerts today. A clear and concise article outlining how and why Google Translate (and other similar machines) can never be relied upon to give accurate, nuanced translations. “Google
How do you translate an ‘appel’ into English?
I found myself asking this question this weekend, as I was ploughing through a piece of Master’s coursework. The piece we had been given to translate and produce a commentary on was this: ‘Impossible Absence‘ from Hors Champ.org. It is
Breaking News!
I was really pleased today to get confirmation from ITI that my application for Associate status membership has been accepted! I have been a Student member since February last year, but decided it was time to try for an
Unsolicited emails & new translators….
Just yesterday I was catching up on a few other translation blogs out there, and read among others this post on Translation Times about scam emails to translators. Then what do I find in my inbox this morning –